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The Heavenly Piano Masterclass - Piano Improvisation Mastery
Welcome to the Heavenly Piano Masterclass by Mark Shian
About the Heavenly Piano Masterclass (1:24)
Overview of Foundational, Intermediate, and Advanced Sections (2:56)
Free Download - Dwelling in the Glory - Full MP3 Album
Foundational Piano Masterclass
Introduction (0:35)
Notes on the piano (3:53)
Half Steps and Whole Steps - Semi tone and tone (1:53)
Intervals (3:35)
Major & Minor Chords (3:35)
Sus2 & Sus4 Chords (2:32)
Major and Minor 7th Chords (3:51)
Relative Major & Minor (3:47)
Inversions (2:43)
Slash Chords (3:13)
Arpeggios (3:21)
Intermediate Piano Masterclass
Introduction (1:24)
Percussive and Melodic playing (0:49)
Percussive Playing - Chord Progression #1 - C G Am F (1:42)
Playing an octave on the left hand (3:21)
Adding the Major 2nd to Chord Progression #1 (2:51)
Adding the 7th to Chord Progression #1 (3:44)
Adding the Perfect 4th to Chord Progression #1 (3:29)
Using Inversions Major 2nd & 7th with Chord Progression #1 (14:48)
Transitional Exercise #1 - climb down on 4 (8:07)
Transitional Exercise #2 - climb up on 3& (4:22)
Transitional Exercise #3 - Bass note on 3& and 4& (3:47)
Using Inversions with Transitional Exercise #1 & #2 (4:24)
Melodic Playing - The 1-5-123 Pattern - Exercise #1 - C G Am F (8:11)
1-5-123 Exercise #2 with RH Melody - C G Am F (4:21)
1-5-123 Pattern - Combining Exercise #1 & #2 (6:54)
1-5-123 Exercise #3 - C Em Am F - Include Bass Notes for 4-& (9:03)
1-5-123 Exercise #4 - C Em Am F (X2) Dm Am F G (X2) Am Em F C Am Em F G (14:22)
Using 4-& for Bass Notes - Left Hand Only Chord Progression Exercise (5:05)
The 1-5-123 Technique with Slash Chords - Progression - C-G/B-Am-Em/G-F-C/E-Dm-G (8:09)
1-5-23 Technique - Skipping the 1 sometimes to create variation (5:40)
1-5-23 = Left Hand - Exercise #1 C G Am F, C Em Am F (3:03)
Improvising with the Right Hand with knowledge of techniques learnt so far (7:29)
Arpeggiating the Right Hand for Percussive & Melodic Chords (8:09)
Combining Percussive and Melodic Playing - C G Am F (4:46)
Combining Percussive and Melodic Playing - C Em Am F (X2) Dm Am F G (X2) Am Em F C Am Em F G (9:01)
Song study - Here I Am to Worship (11:11)
Song Study - Give Us Clean Hands (8:16)
Song Study - Christy Nockels - Breathe (9:05)
Dealing with key changes for a song (7:58)
Practicing and learning new techniques (4:12)
Congratulations - Intermediate Completion (1:39)
Advanced Piano Masterclass
Introduction (1:52)
Advanced Techniques #1 - Glissando - Piano Slides (5:03)
Advanced Techniques #2 - Harmonizing - Adding texture and richness to your melodies (8:11)
Advanced Technique #3 - Using Chords to Strengthen Melodies RH (6:31)
Advanced Technique #4 - Left hand chord transition bass lines on 4-& (4:43)
Advanced Technique #5 - Note Sharing (5:00)
Advanced Technique #6 - Using 1-5-123 scale from bottom to top for the ending of a song (2:33)
Advanced Technique #7 - Playing fast Arpeggios using the right hand (1:35)
Playing in different scenarios - Solo Piano, Playing while Singing, and Playing in a Band (7:44)
Playing from the Heart - Feel, Emotion, Expression, & Dynamics (7:53)
Songwriting - How I write my Piano Solos - Advanced Exercise #1 - Write your first piano solo (12:43)
Writing songs with lyrics - Advanced Exercise #2 - Write your first song with lyrics (8:22)
Song Study - Dwelling in the Glory - Part 1 (10:29)
Song Study - Watching the Stars (5:03)
Song Study - Kingdom Come (9:46)
Song Study - Sound of Many Waters (14:04)
Final Words, Thank you, and Best Wishes (1:44)
Using Inversions Major 2nd & 7th with Chord Progression #1
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